SM5 assembler [sig]
git clone
I present the SM5 assembler. Derived from the SM5 emulator, it works well in creating new programs for the SM5 architecture. It was necessary as part of a challenge called Game Copy Protection ROM in OpenCTF 2019. It also contains a small patch to sm5emu that improves the stability and benefits the user.
Why would someone want an assembler for an architecture that is not commercially available? If an FPGA version of this architecture were created, an assembler would be handy. But until such a time, I used the assembler to create a challenge which tested the ability for users to adapt to new architectures, SM5 being an architecture that only a handful of people in the world have experience with.
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Jun 27, 2017
mtpfs-javantea-1.2 [sig]
Gentoo ebuild
Gentoo manifest
Github link
A simple patch for mtpfs to close a few bugs. The severity of these bugs is unknown so the priority of fixing them depends on your risk tolerance. The most certain of the bugs occurred once during an rsync and the drawback was that the user had to reboot their phone.
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Dec 7, 2014
Unproprietary 0.4: Nov 25, 2015
Unproprietary 0.5: Sept 11, 2016
unproprietary-0.5 [sig]
unproprietary-0.4 [sig]
unproprietary-0.3 [sig]
unproprietary-0.2.1 [sig]
Git repository: git clone
Lume is a simple point and click Flash game available from Steam and Humble Bundle. I got it as part of of the Humble Weekly Sale: Amanita & Friends bundle and played it because I was interested in playing a short puzzle game one night. Since it's only 30 MB, it's pretty much guaranteed that it's a short game. It took an hour or so to complete and had some excellent puzzles. One of the main features of the game is the graphics which were made by a good artist with good style. Today, I was able to reverse engineer the game in a short amount of time using some custom tools I wrote, so I'm going to release them and ask for pull requests. Reverse engineering file formats is not a difficult process, but it is time consuming and it is more difficult to automate, so tools that do the work for us are valuable. That is why I'm releasing this simple set of tools I wrote.
If you'd like to follow along, you can buy Lume on Humble Store for $5.99. It supports Linux, Mac, and Windows. Lume has a Metacritic score of 69 and a high score of 83 by GameShark. A sequel was released recently called Lumino City (5 days ago) and it has gotten good reviews. It looks brilliant but it isn't released for Linux yet.
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