AltSci Concepts was founded by Joel Randolph Voss as a business to collect and use money made by inventions and services performed by himself.
Pages last updated: June 18, 2003
Products Overview
Scientific Experimentation
A recent graduate of the University of Washington Physics Bachelor's
Degree program, Joel R. Voss is a natural choice for a lab
technician, research partner, or scientific consultant.
Click here for information on
Joel's lab experience.
Software Development
A computer programmer for a dozen years, Joel has experience with
developing very high tech software in a diverse array of computer
languages and design patterns. Click here
for information on Joel's programming experience and skills.
Computer Repair/Maintenance
Understanding and diagnosing computer hardware and software problems
is a specialty that Joel enjoys both on and off the job. Windows and
Linux workstations and servers can all be fixed with enough technical
expertise which Joel understands well. Click
here for information on Joel's computer maintenance experience.
Music Production
Using off-the-shelf hardware and software with expertise in the field
of digital signal processing, Joel is able to take raw music and
create a digital artpiece in the form of a duplicable CD-ROM or
mp3 and ogg format audio for internet distribution.
Click here for information on Dead Wendy,
the debut CD of rising star, Pete Voss.
Web Development
With his expertise in programming, Joel has a remarkable portfolio of
original websites. From complex e-commerce to interactive community-
based websites, Joel has the skills you need to make your dot com
more stable than brick and mortar. Click
here for information on Joel's web development experience.
3D Modelling
With is 3D programming, Joel has also learned how to create
3D models. Joel is experienced in low-polygon and medium-
polygon 3D modelling. Click here for
information on Joel's 3D experience.
AltSci Concepts collects wages on inventions and services made by Joel. At this time, Joel is the only employee of ASC.
Taxes have been collected for two years under the name of Joel R. Voss as the Sole Proprietor and Chief Engineer of this business.
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