by Javantea aka. Joel R. Voss
Sept. 7, 2006
Essay format
Botnets are:
- groups of computers
- running malicious software
- group together to achieve a common goal
Botnets are possible because:
- rampant security flaws
- commonly used
- operating systems
- and programs.
History of Botnets
- recent addition to security literature
- appeared mainly as a result of obvious security vulnerabilities.
- Most botnets are targeted at the Win32 OS
- the number of vulnerabilities [1]
- the massive number of unpatched machines available (250,000-1.5M+ Sasser infections, 200M update downloads) [2]
- Many platforms
- first Linux/Apache worm was quite recent (Dec 20 2004)
- targetting a vulnerability in phpBB
- was caused by PHP
- It was a worm
- Used Perl, Google
- left an obvious trace [3]
- Although it did not become a botnet, it easily could have.
- Destroyed a lot of data
- More recently AWStats and Mambo vulnerabilities [4].
- Currently targetted IE6
- In response to increased patching and firewalls in remote services of Microsoft Windows
- IE6 is often unpatched.
1) Ou, George. "Vulnerability statistics for Mac and Windows."
URL: February 28, 2006
2) Sullivan, Bob. "'Sasser' infections begin to subside."
URL: May 5, 2004
3) Voss, Joel R. "phpBB Vulnerability Analysis."
URL: Dec 20, 2004
4) Voss, Joel R. "AWStats and Mambo Vulnerability Analysis."
URL: Jun 16, 2006
Methods of Botnets
Services (Sasser):
- a good example of a recent botnet victim
- push technology (service)
- Microsoft Windows has a service called LSASS
- running on port 445
- unnecessary service
- many vulnerabilities
- Aug 10, 2006 of which the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) said "if exploited could enable an attacker to remotely take control of an affected system," [5]. Thank you Captain Obvious.
- On May 1, 2004
- Sasser attacked a vulnerability in LSASS
- resulted in massive infection (including myself) [6].
- Sasser is not generally accepted as a botnet
- it did not do anything by itself
- it did open shell and file transfer services
- qualifies as botnet properties
- Unpatched and unfirewalled Windows machines are easily exploited by worms.
5) Department of Homeland Security. "DHS Recommends Security Patch to Protect Against a Vulnerability Found In Windows Operating Systems."
URL: August 9, 2006
6) Voss, Joel R. "LSASS Vulnerability Analysis."
URL: May 1, 2004
Different Rules:
- massive computing power
- normal limits on intrusion do not apply
- they can tcpdump poorly encrypted net traffic and crack the password.
- They can brute force SSH.
- They can brute force any commonly used password scheme that doesn't use secure techniques.
- more efficient attack vectors for botnets than for manual attacks
- even though manual attacks work also [7]
7) aorth @ "Hacking the Hackers."
URL: December 17th, 2005
Clients (IE6):
- pull technology (client)
- quite different from push technology (server)
- a botnet must gain control over HTTP servers
- due to NAT or open firewalls, a client can become an HTTP server
- links can be posted by bots to popular forums
- titles like "Nude Celebrities" or "Pokemon" depending on the audience.
- Any person searching for such terms in the wrong places will find a spammed server with links to strange addresses.
- cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilites in websites for clickless attack
- A recent talk at Defcon revealed that nearly all recent botnet victims are IE6 users [8].
8) Wesson, Rick. "Abuse and the Global Infection Rate." Defcon 14. Aug 2006.
Output of a Botnet:
- assume a profit motive
- various illegitimate profiters on the internet:
- Spam, DDoS, user-paid advertising, identity theft, and extortion are the most popular.
- mail account, you have spam.
- Do you delete your spam?
- I have collected all my spam, tarred it
- designed methods of tracking the sender [9].
- In the past I have told friends often that I didn't get enough spam.
- In 2004, I got 5 spams per day.
- I get 2314 per month now (I have to glimpse at/click on 607 of these)
- I'm interested in seeing other people's spam still. You should know why.
- legit mail servers track who sent the e-mail to them with the Received: header
- a simple Perl script to grab a list of spam servers.
- I can check to see whether the spam server is:
- open relay, a proxy, a legitimate business, or an exploited machine.
- how do you tell a legit machine from an exploited machine?
- Exploited machines usually look strange
- they don't have to be
- spam servers look strange, too.
- So really a person can only guess looking at the raw data.
- There are advanced techniques
- DDoS attack
- send me your logs
- I'd really like a list of IPs of these botnet bastards.
- You'll find out why later.
9) Voss, Joel R. "Spam Server Analysis."
URL: Jan 9-Aug 26, 2006
Future of Botnets
The End of Botnets:
- firewalls
- program update utilities
- secure programming techniques advance
- exploits could be dramatically reduced
- in the future, botnets will be extinct.
- In their place will be:
- very specialized exploits
- cutting edge software
- not in common use.
- I could list 10 vulnerabilities in SOAP
- only 5 were discussed in a Defcon 13 talk [10].
10) Stamos and Stender. "Attacking Web Services: The Next Generation of Vulnerable Apps." Defcon 13. July, 2005
Operating systems:
- Linux, OpenBSD, NetBSD, and Mac OSX
- all use many obvious secure coding practices
- reduce the number of possible remote vulnerabilites
- The Linux 2.6.12 kernel added 8k of stack randomization
- GR Security patch
- many preventitive security measures for the Linux kernel
- absolutely absurdly useful against exploits in vulnerable code.
- OpenBSD
- kernel and admin systems
- designed to protect against vulnerable code being exploited.
- Windows XP
- firewall to close the gaping holes in it's security
- it is extremely flawed
- Windows Vista
- Currently vaporware
- is planned to have Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR)
- which will attempt to curb exploitation of vulnerable code. [11]
11) Lemos, Robert. "Microsoft defends Vista by mixing up memory."
URL: 2006-06-02