by Joel R. Voss aka. Javantea
Dec 6-7, 2005
Linhat1/AltBot is an IRC Bot written in Perl. It uses MySQL database backend.
AltBot is famous on #neg9 for awesome replies.
(18:52:38) Javantea: altbot concepts
(18:52:39) AltBot: Javantea: Source code now available at:
(19:02:48) Javantea: altbot is male
(19:02:48) AltBot: Javantea: mechanical faithlessly males extreme acquired fleets ecclesiastical overhears genius bone demolished taproot waistcoat osteopathy dynamism impressiveness imagining serializability bonny preambles bulls
(19:02:55) Javantea: see?
(19:03:01) MrPrimate: yeah.
(19:03:01) AltBot: MrPrimate: yeah it is awesome
Although AltBot seems to be awesome and perfect, it is a very new project and has a long ways to go. There are a lot of improvements that would make AltBot quite excellent. Look for them coming soon.
Linhat1/AltBot requires Perl, Net::IRC for Perl, DBI for Perl, and a MySQL server. Linhat has been tested on Linux and OpenBSD successfully. New versions require Digest::SHA1.
AltBot is very simple and it will stay that way for some time. It uses mysql database (as a simple irc log) to search for relevant data. It searches only on one keyword. It finds a keyword by removing the common English grammar, then picking at random. Also, on the sql select, it does order by rand() to make the output more random. A new module adds regex-based censorship to AltBot. Currently, on the live server, the only phrase that AltBot is censored from saying is "New Post :: ", which he was saying far too often. cpmhat says that line every time a post is made on If you, like I, have been awaiting the shutup command for altbot, wait no longer. See below.
# connect to efnet and join #altsci or #neg9. perl # Command-line interface to linhat. # One command per execute. perl # Usage: [-u user] [-c | -s] [-f] [-h] # -u user Specify the user. # -c Use PFM/ to get data. # -s Use STDIN to get data [default]. # -f Do not input data, only search. # -h Display this Usage information. # get some random words from dict. perl # Remove unuseful words/punctuation from a sentence. perl remove_grammar1.plIn irc
altbot: hello altbot, what's up? altbot fears censorship. # to mute altbot for 50 events, # simply say any of the following: altbot: shutup altbot shut up altbot, you'd do well to shut upMore detailed information coming soon.
If you are interested in developing Linhat1/AltBot, feel free to e-mail me.